2010年7月2日 星期五

MS+HS CRC Bypass CE Assembly Script for TWMS 1.13(nimo1993)

如果您是新手,請使用DLL方法: http://bbs.yoyo-do.com/thread-724222-1-1.html



1. 這個數據只能在TWMS 1.13 上使用,其他版本必須更新Address (A11481, A11487)
1. This script is for TWMS(Taiwan MapleStory) 1.13 only. If you want to use on another version of MapleStory, please update your addresses.

2. 我不是MSCRC的原作者,我只是把他寫成數據罷了!
2. I'm not the origin. I just rewrite it with CE Assembly script.

3. 請在使用任何數據前,先執行這個數據!
3. Please execute this script FIRST before using your hack.

4. 如果你無法執行這個數據,請確認Memory View->View->Kernelmode symbols 是否打勾
4. If you can't execute this script, please press Memory view->View. Check whether "Kernelmode symbols" item is checked.

4. 這個數據只能不能在CE 5.3的版本執行,請升級到5.4, 5.5 或 5.6, (ME是以5.4為核心),不能再MS- Memory Writer上使用!(以5.3為核心)

4. This script cannot work fine with CE 5.3. Please update to 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6. (MoonLight Engine is based on CE 5.4).

  1. [Enable]
  2. //MS+HS CRC Bypass v1.1 for "TWMS 1.13" & "HackShield"
  3. //CE Assembly Script by nimo1993. I love CE!
  4. //The original address of MS-CRC Bypass is not found by me.
  5. //If you can't execute this script, please press "Memory view"->"View". Check whether "Kernelmode symbols" item is checked.
  6. //如果你無法執行這個數據,請按Memory View->View->Kernelmode symbols 打勾

  7. Alloc(CRCBypass,512)
  8. Alloc(FakeDump,8376320)
  9. Label(HSCRCBypass)
  10. Label(BackToOP)
  11. Label(MSCRCBypass)
  12. Label(Normal)
  13. Label(MSmemcpy)

  14. RegisterSymbol(HSCRCBypass)
  15. RegisterSymbol(MSCRCBypass)
  16. RegisterSymbol(FakeDump)

  17. CreateThread(MSmemcpy)

  18. CRCBypass:
  19. HSCRCBypass:
  20. mov eax, fs:[20]
  21. cmp eax, [esp+0c]
  22. jne BackToOP
  23. mov fs:[34], 57
  24. xor eax, eax
  25. ret 000c

  26. BackToOP:
  27. push ebp
  28. mov ebp, esp
  29. jmp OpenProcess+5

  30. MSCRCBypass:
  31. push eax
  32. lea eax, [ecx]
  33. cmp eax, 00401000
  34. jb Normal
  35. cmp eax, 00BFE000
  36. ja Normal
  37. push ebx
  38. mov ebx, FakeDump
  39. sub eax, 00401000
  40. add eax, ebx
  41. movzx ecx, byte ptr [eax]
  42. pop ebx
  43. pop eax
  44. jmp Normal+04

  45. Normal:
  46. pop eax
  47. movzx ecx, byte ptr [ecx]
  48. mov edx, [ebp+14]
  49. jmp 00A11487 //A11481 + 6

  50. MSmemcpy:
  51. mov edi, FakeDump
  52. mov esi, 00401000
  53. mov ecx, 001FF400
  54. repe movsd
  55. ret

  56. OpenProcess:
  57. jmp HSCRCBypass

  58. //AOB: 0F B6 09 8B
  59. 00A11481:
  60. jmp MSCRCBypass
  61. nop

  62. [Disable]
  63. OpenProcess:
  64. mov edi, edi
  65. push ebp
  66. mov ebp, esp
  67. A11481:
  68. movzx ecx, byte ptr [ecx]
  69. mov edx, [ebp+14]

  70. DeAlloc(CRCBypass)
  71. DeAlloc(FakeDump)
  72. UnregisterSymbol(HSCRCBypass)
  73. UnregisterSymbol(MSCRCBypass)
  74. UnregisterSymbol(FakeDump)
這個數據相當於在CE內使用 LoadLibrary(NimoMSHSCRC.dll)

